Sunday, April 26, 2009

52 Blessings—Scriptures

I love the scriptures—I love the counsel, truth, encouragement, ideas, comfort, revelations, stories, funny stories, even the correction. I love them. I remember learning about a boy that had completely read the Bible when he was 8. I was 14 at the time and decided then that I would become a student of the scriptures. Little did I know what a blessing that decision would prove to be. I’m not a scholar, I’m just a student, often learning very slowly, but just as I felt when I learned to read or multiply, understand the checks and balance system of our government or how the heart pumped, learning from the scriptures (even little things) has been a stimulating study.

Ande leaves for Europe tomorrow and wrote an e-mail asking for background help to some of the artwork depicted in the various scenes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. There are several scenes depicting the ancestry of Christ, some scenes portraying stories from the Book of Genesis, a few of the Creation, several from the prophet and poetry books of the Old Testament and one from the apocrypha. As I was researching and preparing a short synopsis on some of the frames, I became more and more invigorated—wishing I knew how to paint or sing or something to express appreciation for the truths found within the scriptures like Michelangelo did. Alas, I can’t sing, draw or do anything noteworthy yet to show my appreciation. . . nonetheless, I do recognize them as an immense blessing.


Alisa said...

You created a stirrng in me without music or paint.
I love how when I get really into what I am reading and I don't want to stop and I keep cross referencing and reading all over the place. It frustrates me when I forget that and my reading is just a passing thought.
I bet your words to Ande described things wonderfully.

Lucy said...

What a beautiful idea to be an amateur scholar of the scriptures. This is an area of my life in which I am far too lazy. I am too reliant upon Jay, or even my dad, when I need a reference. Now, I might just add you to the list!:)

What a wonderful idea to link scripture study with the world of art and history. Love it.

Jill said...

I have really become more appreciative of the scriptures these few years as I have made the commitment to read them daily and to read the Book of Mormon all the way through once a year. I still don't remember as much as I'd like or have amazing insights all the time, but I feel a strength and love for them that makes me want to be a life-long learner.

Kathy’s Korner said...


Elizabeth said...

This is definitely an area I need to improve on. I have a deep love for but not a deep understanding of the scriptures.

Becky said...

Fantastic! Hope your day is going well and that Ande has a great time in Europe (lucky girl!). :)

Rebecca said...

I feel the same way sometimes. The few times I've tried to show my feelings in a visual way it's come off quite comical, very opposite of how I wish to present, no stress I've not given up yet. But if I recall, Language, is a form of art! And you have an immense talent for writing AND speaking as is voiced by people who've been touched by your blessing (ME).

Deidra said...

This reminds me of the quote from President Kimball in this month's visiting teaching message. You seem to exemplify a scripture scholar to me!