Friday, October 9, 2009

Life in My World--Not Wondering What to Pack Here

Do you know the song, "I'm going on a trip with my Auntie Nell"?

The first verse begins: "I'm going on a trip with my Auntie Nell and I'm wondering what to pack. We plan to climb Mount Everest with a team of twenty yak. If they stampede I'm sure to need a warm, woolly hat. So I will pack a warm woolly hat."

Each verse adds something more to the trip (after all there is the Serengeti Plain to cross after Mount Everest is conquered): fuzzy dice to hang from the mirror, rubber boots, etc.

I am a light packer until it comes to my "projects to do, books to read" bag. Then? Well, then it's like I'm going on a trip with Auntie Nell and I way over pack. But not this time. I cut waaaayyyy back. I didn't even pack carrot sticks.

Calvin and I left early, early, early this morning for a road trip. Six things I look forward to on the road:

~audio books (we're listening to one on constitutional law that's pretty interesting)

~the food (grape propel drink, corn nuts, m&m's, sausage mcmuffins, restaurant suppers)

~stopping at Purdum's Fruit and Vegetable stand (it's got a beautiful squash, pumpkin line-up)

~visiting with Calvin about random or important things (or not. even the silence is good)

~wondering where all the other drivers are going and why

~having plenty of foot room because my bag is so empty

On a side note: I've been out of perfume for a couple of months. I got some yesterday (deep breath and sigh). I have missed my signature smell and am glad I don't have to leave home without it. Red Door is my smell, what's yours?


Whidget said...

Woohoo. Your blog is so popular I never get the first comment, but being on the east coast has its perks--time difference is one. I have been up for hours already. :-)

Have fun on your trip. I love abercrombie's rose smelling one (I forget the name). But I also wear women's coolwater.

Where are you going?


Jill said...

I have never heard that song before.

I tend to over pack, which is funny because I don't feel like I have a lot of clothes. But when we went on our long trip to Illinois and Michigan this summer I did my best packing ever.

Have a fun trip!

Deidra said...

Hooray for road tripping! We're still in recovery mode from ours.

I rarely wear perfume. It seems to fade so fast on me, it's not really worth it.

Kathy’s Korner said...

I ALWAYS over pack my projects bag! ALWAYS! Alas, I NEVER get much done in that area! UGH!

Rachel said...

You forgot to leave the fishing poles and water bottles! (those are some of the other items in the song.)

sheila piper said...

I wear angel. Not that I am one. But I try.

Barb said...

I miss having a signature smell. I used to have one and then Carmen stole my perfume one time too many and Ken told me I can't wear it any more since it reminds him of his daughter.


I can't believe it...MINE IS RED DOOR TOO!!! One day a man came up to me in a store and said "I love your perfume, I want to buy it for my wife. What kind is it?" Nicole was about 4 years old. She said with all the fortitude of a child "It is 'MOMMY PERFUME', all Mommy's wear it". It has been a family joke every since. I still wear RED DOOR. I know Kim is buying me new perfume for my B-day this week...wonder what it will be and if Nicole can handle a change?!? :)