Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homemaking Tip -- Applesauce

I've got twenty minutes of free internet access at the Spokane airport in which to write this post.  Typically posts take me much, much longer.  Add to that, Calvin keeps making conversation (he wonders if I like his new haircut, he said he thinks in a few years that he'll look like an older gentleman that just deplaned, he wonders if I'd ever wear a pair of furry boots like the woman's at the counter has, and then he generously offered me one of his Newton fruit crisps) and twenty minutes is hardly long enough to tell you all I'd like to say.  But that's okay, because most of what I want to say is not mine to say.  Which is to say that somebodies in my family have news to share.  (Good thing tomorrow is 12 on 12 of '12.)

But seeings as I only have 7 minutes left, I did want to tell you that applesauce is more than food for the gummed.  The other night I made a dozen jars of strawberry freezer jam.  I didn't have enough pectin so I added applesauce to increase it (apples have a lot of natural pectin).  It set up beautifully!  That's two times applesauce has saved my jam.  I think I'll add it to every batch from now on for good measure -- it takes on the flavor of the fruit and is less expensive than extra pectin.



melanie said...

Exciting! I'm sure glad tomorrow is the 12th too.

I can just hear Calvin ask all those questions. The furry boots made me laugh. We're they cute?

Peggy Dee said...

Great tip! I love your blog!!!

Lucy said...

I hope you enjoy your trip! I’m assuming you are off to see a new grand baby!

Melinda said...

Have a great time on your trip.

I would have never know this about applesauce and jam. Great tip.

Deidra said...

I hope a report is coming soon, with news of a new grandbabe!

Millie and I have been burning through our applesauce stash over the past few months. Hope we can find a good deal on apples this fall to replenish the stock!

michelle said...

I have never heard that tip and wouldn't have thought of it!