Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday Tried It - Illumination

I saw an easy way to paint jar lids on Pinterest last week:  put a grocery bag over the jar, screw the lid on top of it, and spray it.  The plastic sack not only protects the jar, it acts like an umbrella over your hand and wrist shielding them from spray drifts.  Brilliant.

I tried it this afternoon and it works great.  I wish I'd known this trick five dozen jar lids ago.

I also saw a good emergency candle idea on Pinterest.

Since I'm terrible at keeping a nice stock of flashlights and batteries, this idea was a great find.  I fancied the jar lid up a bit so it would look nice sitting on a shelf in the living room.

The jar is recycled, but the candle holder was found at Craft Warehouse and the emergency candles and little matches at the $tore.  I printed emergency ready onto a scrap tag.


Barb said...

And now I'm pinning you!

Cali said...

Brilliant and great pictures of them.

Nikki said...

This is fantastic! I swore off spray painting lids a couple years ago. But now my faith is renewed!