Saturday, March 31, 2018

Once Upon a Time . . .

Levin listening to The Three Little Pigs

To create another opportunity for contact with grandchildren who live far away, we created a book club.  

I found some well-told fairy tale books at the $tore. As I read them aloud, I made an audio recording on my phone.  Other than a signal that it was time to turn the page (a make-do solution of shaking a jar of safety pins), I didn't do any special effects.  

I sent the book in the mail to each family and sent the audio file via email.  

Each month we'll send another book (and after ten or so we'll burn a cd with the audio recordings that can be stored with the books).  Calvin will read some of the books and as the grandchildren learn to read, I'll ask them to make a recording as well.  

This was a fun (and easily replicated) grandparent activity and I was happy that it was so well-received by the grandkids.

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