Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 2020 - COVID19 Quarantine Edition

Calvin & Jane Payne Family
Calvin and Cali.  The grandkids play with Calvin's Viet-Nam-issued helmet
and Levin put it on Grandpa's head for the picture.

Jane - Cleaning out the chicken coop. 
Never a pleasant task, but necessary.

Ty & Michelle Payne Family
Ty: I love FaceTiming with family,
especially when something hits Kathy just right.

Michelle has been making masks for the Relief Society.

Afton: Floss dance off with Mom.

Eliza: Just hanging out on top of our tree.

Kathryn: I had an encounter with some stinging nettle on our walk, 
so Afton offered me a piggy back ride.

Calvin: Tonight Dad taught the girls how to floss their teeth.
I was not to be left out.

Joe & Ande Nehila Family 
Joe:  We celebrated my birthday.

Ande:  Doing what I do the most of.

Zeph:  Learning math through cooking.

Zeph:  Birthday cupcakes.

Zeph:  We adopted two orphan goslings.
The duck killed the others.

Ezra and Samantha

Ezra:  The goslings died.  I buried them and put a pot
of flowers on the grave.

Winnie making a concoction.

Molly:  Winnie made her a butterfly.

Ray &Cali Follett Family
Ray:  Tending Bees

Atlas and Inman putting on a puppet show with puppets from Aunt Chris.

Inman eating sugared cereal.

Abe & Grace Payne Family
Abe:  Fixed Hazel breakfast in bed.
Grace:  Celebrating my birthday

Henry and Hazel:  Playing in puddles.

Henry and Hazel:  Discovering a eastern red-spotted newt.

Henry and Hazel:  Easter

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