Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Homemaking Tip—Qat

thank you google images

We play a lot of Bananagrams around here. It’s fun, addictive, quick-paced, and not as big a commitment as Scrabble, that’s why. I won a game yesterday. I seldom win. It doesn’t matter. I still want to play.

Here’s my secret tip for the day: qat is a word that doesn’t need a ‘u’ nor is it foreign or proper. It’s a plant and it just may make a big difference in your game.

photo from Leigh Anne's post

And, should you decide to play Banangrams over the 4th of July, here’s a pretty, perfect recipe to eat while you play. In fact, I think you’ll find lots of pretty and perfect ideas on Leigh Anne's personal blog, too.


Marie said...

Oh, Jane! Have you ever heard of the band, Barenaked Ladies? A shocking name, but I love their music. A year or two ago, they released a kids' album, and I snatched it up. One of their songs is an alphabet song, but instead of apple, ball, cat, it has A is for asile, B is for bdellium, C is for Czar,and when you get all the way to Q, it is for qat! You'd love the song, it is delightfully silly.

That bark really is pretty. I might do a version without the blue for July 1st this year.

Deidra said...

We love Bananagrams. Chris once told me he feels bad playing it with other people, because one of the Hartwells usually win! (Well, really, Chris usually wins.) What can I say, we've played lots of word games in our days and have some good words tucked away. Qat isn't one I use, so I'll have to keep it tucked away for the Banagrams date we have set up with the two English/creative writing majors next door. We've also played it with several friends to have them tell us later, "We just bought Bananagrams!"

Nikki said...

Qat has saved me in a Scrabble game before. :) I've never heard of Bananagrams. I'll have to look into it.

michelle said...

We play a lot of Bananagrams, too. Qat is a great tip, I didn't know that word!

That bark looks totally delicious.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip, Jane! I have picked this game up, then set it back down, more times than I can count. It is currently back on the list, along with Sequence.

Lynn said...

I'm going to remember Qat. Emily usually beats my socks off at this game. Now I'll be ready for her.

Kim Sue said...

I should play bananagrams maybe it would help my spelling or maybe not, but it would be good for Carly. Might have to pick it up. I've looked at it a couple of times but all I ever think is just how bad I stink at Scrabble.

Deanna/Mimi said...

The game of Bananagrams sounds like something right up my alley...beings I like Goggle and Scrabble. I play Scrabble online and one of the words they say is "legit" is "gis". Have no idea what it means. I will have to get Bananagrams and give it a try...looks fun.

Deanna/Mimi said...

I typed the word wrong. It is qis not gis.

Jill said...

Thanks for the tip! I always need help with Q-words.