Tuesday, April 14, 2009

SPT—Gift a Friend

The challenge for today’s self-portrait is to be a picture of a gift I’ve given a friend. I actually feel quite stupid and self-conscious on this challenge—it seems gifts should be quiet, private and without fanfare. Yet I’ve come to know that each of Lelly’s self-portrait assignments that I’ve participated in has been a great learning experience. They have left a personal record for me and my posterity of the simple little details in life as well.

This week my heart took my SPT picture. I was visiting a friend in the rest home and had kneeled down next to her wheelchair. Our hands were intertwined on her lap as we visited. Hers was petite, worn and cool; mine was fleshy, warm and strong. It was not the time or place for a flash, a click or a pose. But my heart snapped the picture of two friends giving each other a gift.


Ande said...

This is why I love you. You are an amazing woman.

Chris said...

What a beautiful snapshot. The details you shared make this beautiful for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jane,

You're the chick. 'Nuff said.

Love ya,

Courtney said...

What a terrific "visual" snapshot into your heart! Love it!

Crystal said...

How wonderful. Seriously, thanks for the image.

Lucy said...

You reminded me of holding hands with my grandmother. Thanks.

jenn said...


Alisa said...

an image came in my mind too- of holding hands with someone dear-
what a beautiful image you created

Anonymous said...

Simply love this Jane.

Amy said...

"Hers was petite, worn and cool; mine was fleshy, warm and strong." An absolutely perfect portrait.

Ann On and On... said...

A poetic moment written with simple beautiful words...more than any photo could share. Thanks!

Jeanette said...


Kathy’s Korner said...

I love pictures of hands and I have a beautiful on of yours in hers. Thank you for the gift.

Cali said...

I love you mom. Thank you for putting this memory down, so I won't forget it later. It reminds me not only of who you are, but what kind of person I'm striving to be.

Kim Sue said...

:o) perfect portrait in my mind!

MaryRC said...

one of the best self portraits ive seen today, thank you..