Tuesday, July 20, 2010

SPT - Blue, Bleu, Baloo

We are living the life of Baloo this week and just taking care of the simple bare necessities.  Like picking blueberries.  We picked seven pounds today at $1.50 a pound.  We had blueberry wheat pancakes for supper.  Best I’ve ever had. 

This is the skyscape from Cali and Ray’s home.  On any given night you can see nine shades of bleu, even the evergreens are blue in the evening.  It is bleutiful.

Last year I showed Ray a beautiful hydrangea plant down by the Sound.  He remembered how much I liked it and gave me one for my birthday.  Today it is pink trimmed with blue.  Who knows what color it will be after I plant it at home.  

Cali and I passed three Scottish terriers trotting smartly next to their master on the jogging path.  By the time we’d turned around and jogged back past them the man was dragging all three dogs.  Another man walks ten steps ahead of his wife on the path.  They keep the exact same pace, but don’t walk together.  I have conjectured all kinds of possible scenarios about the situation.  The dogs, master, and couple all walk along the blue water. 


Jill said...

That skyscape is gorgeous, how did they score such a beautiful place to live?

Ray is so thoughtful to remember that you like hydrangeas!

Tiffany Fackrell said...

I want some of those blueberries. here you can pick them for 3 dollars a pound. i like your price better! THat is a gorgeous sunset!

Deidra said...

I realized I never got back to you about our coconut blueberry pancakes. They sound more delicious than they probably were. Just shredded coconut in my regular pancake recipe, but if I wasn't out of coconut extract, I would have added that. They were just an early morning experiment!

I, too, love hydrangeas! Can't wait to see what color the pH of your soil turns it!

maddie jane ellsworth said...

I love that sunset photo!!!!

Unknown said...

That view is gorgeous! I would soooo drink coffee on my deck each morning, study my bible, and get the world right before I ever left home. What a blessing! Glad you're finding lots to be "blue" about :)

patsy said...

picking blueberries!
ah- my favorite... I miss them. I grew up in Kent.

such a bummer there are no blueberry bushes in utah.
enjoy them!

Ande said...

Oh that was pun heaven!