Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday - Invincible

photo by Maddie

They survived the snake!

They survived a vehicle ton and several drivers!

They survived the egg-loving, bird-killing dog!

They didn't survive the happy, energetic 4 year old with a stick.


Cali said...

It's all for the best. I hope that mother bird feels all the wiser. She can lay another set just in time for Levin this weekend.

Deidra said...

Ohhh, that breaks my heart. We saw that some bird had made a nest in a stack of trellises at Ace Hardware tonight. The feather-less babies were so ugly they were cute. Poor Mama Killdeer.

melanie said...

Oh man. I sure hope Levin gets another set this weekend. You should've arranged for an adoption from Lindsey's yard. I'm not sure those eggs will make it either.

Jorden said...

Could be worse, Max found a robin's egg in the yard the other day and tried to eat it. So gross!! I think he thought it was those yummy chocolate Cadbury eggs.

Becky said...

Such a sad ending!

Melinda said...

Oh man! I was rooting for those pretty little eggs.

I am so glad you could go to Aftons blessing. It looks like it was a really great trip.

Jill said...

So close!