I was bit by nostalgia earlier in the week to the point of being sad, but it seems to have passed. I don’t know why, but the beginning of Fall seems to trigger longing memories more than any other time of year. When I see nine year old boys with slicked hair I get sad. When I see nervous high school girls I get sad. When I see college kids buying laundry baskets I get sad. When I see kids running on the soccer field or wearing a football helmet or see corn stalks drying out in the field, you guessed it, I get sad. Argh. I have so much to be happy about and so much to look forward to that I’m embarrassed when I lose focus. Pathetically enough, this is a repeat problem. I remember my first semester of college. I was in Hawaii, but missed Idaho. (Hard to imagine wishing for gray sagebrush when surrounded by blue oceans and green foliage isn’t it? But thus it was.) My older sister, Chris, wrote me a letter that said, “I hear you’re homesick. Well, don’t be. The garden is full of weeds. Dad is cross. Mom is sick in bed. The little kids are fighting. I’m canning peaches. The floor is sticky. The flies haven’t died. I repeat, DON’T MISS HOME . . . enjoy Hawaii while you can.” Amazing the power that letter gave me to refocus.
Here are a few great things I have to look forward to. You’ll see why it’s embarrassing for me to get hung up looking backwards when forwards has so much in it.
1. I got my menagerie of supplies organized so I can work on some projects this fall. This is a huge improvement over the antique washtub and assortment of boxes and bags I have been using. Now I’ll be able to work on projects without taking over the kitchen table for a week at a time because I can work from the cart and then wheel it away. I have several scrapbook projects that need finished and two Christmas advents. I’ll post the ideas as I finish (or give) them.
3. I read an article on Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a few months ago after she’d just given birth to their fifth child. I was impressed with her story and admired her values, confidence, influence and vision. After being announced as Senator John McCain’s running mate today, it will be interesting watching this presidential race, especially because of the passion people feel for their candidate.
4. I came home from work today and Ande had dusted and vacuumed everything as well as cleaned the kitchen. She said, “I thought you’d enjoy a Saturday with everything already done.” So I have a tomorrow to look forward to that doesn’t include dusting, vacuuming or cleaning. (And I thought I missed pigtails.)
5. A friend called tonight and wants to go yard-saling tomorrow. We haven’t gone together in a few years and we’re a perfect pair-she likes glass, I like baskets. We’ve only wanted the same thing once.
6. We have a trip to Utah, a trip to Idaho and a trip to Philadelphia this Fall. Add the Scrapbook Retreat in November and that’s a lot of times to get to eat out.
See what I mean? Longing for people in the past makes no sense when I have such opportunities with those same people in the future does it?
Do you get nostalgic? For what?
What is something you look forward to this Fall?